Hillary Clinton believes that taking measures to be kinder to our environment are necessary in order to make this world a better place in which to live for ourselves, our children and our children’s children. Further, Hillary believes in making efforts to conserve energy supplies and also to develop new sources of energy.
Hillary strongly believes that more action needs to be taken regarding cleaning up the air in which we breathe. It is believed that the pollution in the air can be linked to the occurrences of several health complaints such as heart attacks, asthma attacks and cancer, among others. One can hope that efforts made towards a greener environment would contribute to cleaner and healthier air for all of us.
Hillary’s energy plan is aimed to create greater independence for the United States in the area of energy, cleaner and healthier energy sources for American citizens and more local employment within this field. This plan would place funding and efforts into technological research towards the development of a cleaner and greener source of energy. This would make America less dependent on oil from overseas and would reduce contributions to global warming, thereby slowing the changes in the climate due to a cleaner energy source.
It is believed that changes in the climate will cause destructive effects, to an unknown extent, to our planet in the future. Exposure to chemicals and the expulsion of carbon dioxide and other gases to the air contribute to the global warming. Hillary believes that this air pollution must be reduced. Her energy plan provides several methods in which the controlled use of energy sources will contribute to a better environment for our present and our future.
In Hillary’s plan, the development and advancement in the area of more efficient automobile fuel consumption would be encouraged and supported. Hillary would also support investment towards work on the advanced development of plug-in hybrid vehicles.
Hillary’s energy plan includes taking action to ensure the reduction in the amount of electricity consumed in the United States. This would involve the introduction of greener methods for businesses and industries, the implementation of strict standards for the efficiency of electrical appliances and the eventual eradication of the use of incandescent light bulbs.
Hillary would support a plan to develop green homes that in their entirety would demonstrate a more conserved use of energy.
Hillary would encourage the investment of funds into research for the development of a basic energy source. In addition, Hillary is also in favor of a $50 billion Strategic Energy Fund in order to work on and develop new energy alternatives for the future.
In addition to looking at energy sources for the future, Hillary also notes the significance and value of ensuring the protection of America’s environmental heritage, for example forests and national parks.
It is clear that Hillary Clinton understands the importance of creating and maintaining an environmental and energy policy that makes efforts and takes action now in order to ensure a better future.