Hillary Rodham Clinton and Women’s Issues

ClintonA glance at the beliefs and views of Hillary Rodham Clinton quickly shows that issues that receive a great deal of focus on her agenda are the rights of children, women and families. 

Hillary Clinton may be proud to have the titles of Arkansas woman of the Year in 1983 and Arkansas Mother of the Year in 1984, to her name.  Hillary, who is a qualified advocate, at one time was perhaps best known to some as the First Lady of the United States, the position she filled when her husband Bill was President.  However, since that time, Hillary has certainly made it clear that she has earned credit in her own right and was elected to the U.S. Senate in November 2000 as United States Senator from New York. 

In 1995, at the United Nations Conference on Women in Beijing, Hillary Clinton stated that “women’s rights are human rights” and this is clearly an issue that is very close to her heart.  This phrase has been quoted many times since her speech, but for Hillary, working for women’s rights is an important matter.  For decades, Hillary’s beliefs have included the stance that women deserve equal rights and today in her position at the U.S. Senate, she continues to push for equal rights and opportunities for women and girls.

Equal Pay for Women for Equal Work

Hillary is concerned with the differences that exist in salaries between men and women for completing the same job.  This discrimination exists in spite of the Equal Pay Act which was passed over 40 years ago.  Hillary is in favor of heavier penalties for those who violate this Act.  She has also worked to support and encourage women to set up their own businesses.

Women in Vocations not Traditionally Considered for Females

Hillary has worked in the past and continues to make efforts to encourage women to enter training and vocations that are not traditionally considered to be for women, such as the electrician trade.

Support for Abused Women

In Hillary’s position as Senator she has battled to create funding for the Violence against Women Act, as a means of support for the many women who have been subjected to violence.  Hillary believes that certain programs that have been created are vital in order to support women who have endured acts of violence and abuse.  She considers that such programs can do a great deal to help those affected in order to assist them in building a new safer life.

Women’s Abortion Rights

Hillary supports and works for the rights of women to choose with regards to having a baby or having an abortion.  Hillary believes and understands that this is a very personal decision for one to have to make and trusts that a woman should be presented with the choice and be allowed the means to make that difficult decision.

Recognition of the Women’s Movement

Hillary has taken action to honor the women’s movement in order to show its importance to today’s society.  She is working towards the creation of a National Park trail in the New York region that will connect different sites, important in the history of the Women’s Movement.

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